Urmia; Political Prisoner Anwar Chaleshi Dies of Cancer in Hospital

Anwar Chaleshi, a political prisoner suffering from cancer, passed away in a hospital after five years of imprisonment, having been denied proper medical treatment.

According to Kolbarnews, on Wednesday, February 18, 2025, Anwar Chaleshi, a political prisoner from the village of Lorzini in the Margavar region of Urmia, lost his life in a hospital due to the worsening of his cancer and the lack of adequate medical care while serving his fifth year in prison.

Chaleshi, who was suffering from colon cancer, had been in critical condition for months. However, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Intelligence Organization prevented him from receiving medical furlough and halted his treatment. The security agency had previously opposed his transfer to a hospital and ultimately returned him to prison in shackles, despite his deteriorating condition.

Anwar Chaleshi was arrested on December 2, 2020, along with two other citizens, Kamal Jabarvand from the village of Cherikabad in Margavar, Urmia, and Musa Alusi from the village of Valandeh Aliya in central Urmia, by IRGC Hamzeh Base forces. He was then transferred to the Al-Mahdi detention center in Urmia. Later, the First Branch of the Urmia Revolutionary Court sentenced him to seven years in prison on charges of “acting against national security through membership in a Kurdish opposition party.”

In this case, Musa Alusi was released on bail after interrogation, while Anwar Chaleshi and Kamal Jabarvand were transferred to the political ward of Urmia Central Prison on January 14, 2021.

Due to the denial of medical care and treatment, the IRGC Intelligence Organization is directly responsible for the death of this political prisoner.

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Qorveh; Zahid and Wahid Khalidian Released on Bail

Thu Feb 20 , 2025
Zahid Khalidian, a resident of Qorveh, has been released from prison on bail. His brother, Wahid Khalidian, had also been released on bail earlier in February. According to Kolbarnews, on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, Zahid Khalidian was temporarily released from Qorveh prison after posting 1 billion tomans in bail, pending […]

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