Zahedan: Collective Dismissal of Workers at Mohammad Rasoolollah Cemetery

A group of workers at the Mohammad Rasoolollah Cemetery in Zahedan were dismissed by their employer after protesting the non-payment of their wages.

According to Kolbarnews, on Monday, August 12, 2024, several workers at the Behesht Mohammad Rasoolollah Cemetery in Zahedan were fired after voicing their concerns over unpaid wages. 

Reports indicate that on Sunday, August 11, 2024, some workers went to the office of the organization’s director to demand their overdue wages. However, the director, reportedly angered by their demands, issued dismissal letters for the workers.

One of the dismissed workers expressed their distress, stating, “We don’t know what to do now. All of us are married and are deeply worried about providing for our families.”

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The Most Reactionary and Anti-People Individuals at the Helm of Key Ministries in Pezeshkian's Cabinet

Wed Aug 14 , 2024
The composition of the cabinet in Masoud Pezeshkian’s government has even drawn criticism from his close allies. Pezeshkian spent three entire weeks gathering nearly 450 “experts” to help him form a supposedly diverse team for selecting his colleagues in the cabinet and fulfilling his campaign promises. However, after all this […]

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