Writer; Roman Mireki

Rehaneh Ansarinejad, a labor activist
She was born on 10 May 1965 in Abadan, and 56 years later on same date, on 10 May 2021, she was arrested in Tehran and sent to prison.
She was born in a hard working and large family. Her father was a security guard of oil company and her family lived in Ahmedabad neighborhood of Abadan. She was 9th child of a mother who continuously sewed to improve livelihood of her 10 children so that she could contribute a little to family economy.
Rehaneh Ansarinejad spent her primary education in Abadan and from her teenage years witnessed sufferings and hardships of workers, including her father and older brother, in way of providing livelihood.
She observed revolution of 1978 in Abadan and moved to Tehran after start of Iraq’s military attack on Iran and following insecurity of Abadan.
Rehaneh Ansarinejad, who was 9th child in family, was a kind, patient and smiling girl who always tried to help others and resist difficulties.
Life in capital as a war victim or a war refugee was perhaps more difficult than life of a worker in the city, but she continued to study on verge of entering university, she faced cultural revolution and stopped studying.
Finally, she was able to graduate from Ahvaz University with a master’s degree in genetics. Rehaneh Ansarinejad had a daughter named Farzane after her marriage, but 6 months after birth of child, her husband, a foundry worker, had an accident and died.
Rehaneh Ansarinejad took care of her only daughter after death of her husband.
She has worked in various jobs over years. At one time, she used to support her living expenses by typing and typesetting work, and at another time, she worked with 1 of contractor companies of Energy ministry and was employed there. All short term and long term jobs were in nongovernmental companies and enterprises, and of course, working in these private institutions is in accordance with contract based on instructions of Labor ministry, Cooperatives and Social Affairs, and person who works is considered a wage earner and a worker.
For this reason, throughout her working life and in all jobs she found, she was always familiar with trade union, livelihood, legal and cultural problems of workers and wage earners and often dealt with them.
After this period of work and efforts on Coordinating Committee to help create independent labor organizations, she was arrested in her last year of service, with only 1 year left before her retirement date.
On 28 April 2022 and on eve of International Labor Day, she, who had gone to house of “Mohammed Habibi”, an imprisoned teacher and a well known member of “Iranian Teachers’ Union Association” with a group of union and labor activists, was arrested again.
This arrest lasted for 10 days and on 7 May 2022, she was temporarily released from Evin prison along with “Anisha Asadollahi”, another detainee in Habibi’s house, after posting a bail of 1 billion tomans.
About 2 months later, during a phone call, she was informed that she should appear at branch 15 of Revolutionary Court in order to hold a trial.
She was present in this court, which was held on Monday, 16 July 2022, presided over by Judge Salavati. Court accused her of “gathering and colluding with intention of acting against national security” and after holding hearing, “Zandi” lawyer Rehaneh Ansarinejad presented his defense bill to court.
Less than 2 weeks after holding this meeting, court sentenced her to 4 years of imprisonment for charge of “assembly and collusion with intention of acting against security of country” and for additional punishment of banning her from joining political parties, groups, organizations and activities. In virtual space, media and press, she was sentenced to leave country for 2 years.
In continuation of this report, “Emtada” news site reminded that with application of Article 134 of Islamic Penal Code, severe punishment of 4 years of imprisonment will be applicable to her.
Ms. Ansarinejad was summoned on 5 November 2022 and after appearing in execution branch of Evin Prosecutor’s Office, she was transferred to Evin Prison to serve her imprisonment and is still in prison.
1 year before beginning of these events, security agents attacked her house, which is in 1 of western areas of Tehran, at night in late hours of 10 May 2021. Those who entered residence of Rehaneh Ansarinejad and her young daughter hours after midnight, arrested her after searching house.
In addition to confiscating her personal and electronic devices such as a laptop and mobile phone, security forces also confiscated some of her daughter’s belongings and took with them.
Her bank accounts were also blocked during this arrest.
Her arrest on morning of 11 May 2021 was accompanied by arrest of several union and labor activists, and according to some media affiliated with government, this action was taken after arrestees met with 2 Frenchmen, Tabarake, who were accused of espionage by security forces and it has been claimed that agents had traveled to Iran with intention of organizing riots and injecting money.
2 months of no news about condition of detainees and intensification of anxiety of families of detainees, relatives of Nishta Asadollahi, Keyvan Mohtedi and Shaaban Mohammadi caused human rights media and their friends and relatives to report on this lack of news and anxiety. Pointing out that 75 days have passed since arrest and detention of detainees in Ward 209 of Evin Prison and during this period they have not had any news, meeting or even contact with prisoners, they expressed concern and demanded an investigation.
She has been residing in Evin prison for several months now, but she is not silent.
On 1 May 2024, which coincides with 30 April 2024, she wrote in a short note that she sent from Evin prison on occasion of International Labor Day and was published:
Although some political groups that have an instrumental view of workers and labor activists claim that they have answer to problems of our workers, but fact is that their instrumental and out of class view has not and will not help inclusive and bottom up organization of our workers. Unorganized workers in their independent organizations will become black army of political factions, both in power and in opposition.
During recent months in prison, she suffered from various physical problems related to muscles and joints, and despite need for a specialist to diagnose disease and specialized treatments, she could not be sent to medical centers outside prison.
Finally, after delaying for several months, a permit was issued by prosecutor’s office, and she was sent to hospital on 18 June 2024 this year to see a rheumatologist.
Also, according to reports sent and following increased pressure on protesting female prisoners, which took place after Judge Afshari’s visit to women’s ward of Evin Prison, she was also denied a phone call to her family.
National Iranian American Council (NIAC) strongly condemns imprisonment of Ansarinejad for participating in labor protests and calls on Iranian government to release her along with other political prisoners. Islamic Republic of Iran must adhere to its international obligations by immediately and unconditionally releasing Ansarinejad and other labor and political prisoners who have been unjustly detained for exercising their human rights. Continuing to suppress peaceful activists not only contradicts international laws, but also isolates Iran on world stage.
Sepideh Qolian, a labor activist
Sepideh Qolian is a political prisoner currently in Evin prison. she was arrested for first time in 2017 following labor protests of Hafttepe Sugarcane, she was released after a month, but a little later, Islamic Republic of Iran Radio broadcast a documentary called Burnt Design, which was reported by Amenesadat Zabihpour, with her televised confessions. After this incident, she had raised issues about TV reporter Amina Sadat Zabihpour regarding her presence in a television confession, which led to registration of a complaint by this TV reporter. During the past few days, court hearing of her complaint against Sepideh Qolian has been in headlines.
Sepideh Qolyan Biography
Sepideh Qolian was born in 22 September 1993 and studied veterinary medicine. She was born in Dezful, Khuzestan. She was noticed for 1 time during height of labor protests in Khuzestan. It is said that before this, on 25 February 2016, she was also arrested due to her virtual activity. Of course, there are no reliable sources of this news. She, who was arrested many times by security officers, was taken to prison in July 2019 to serve a 5 year sentence.
Arrest of Sepideh Qolian during labor protests
In November 2017, labor protests of Hafttepe sugarcane complex were taken to streets, and news of arrest of some of protesters was published in cyberspace. Among these arrests that took place in 17 November 2017, name of a woman is also visible. Sepideh Qolian was transferred to a detention center in Shush city. After a month of detention, she was released after posting a bail of 500 million tomans.
1 news was related to broadcast of a documentary entitled “burnt design” which made allegations about this prisoner, which was aired under title of “his confessions” on television program “23”.
After being released from prison, Sepideh Qolian made ambiguities and claims about these confessions in cyberspace, which included forced confessions and torture. Ismail Bakshi, 1 of arrested workers at that time, claimed that confessions were obtained from her after torture. Sepideh Qolian also said that she is ready to confirm this claim as a witness. At same time, responsible authorities denied this claim.
Ali Najafi Khoshroudi, spokesman of National Security Commission of Islamic Council, stated that follow ups have been carried out in Islamic Council and said: “According to information minister’s explanation, Ismail Bakhsi, a worker of Haft Tepe sugarcane factory, was not tortured in any way.” It didn’t take long for Sepideh Qolian to be arrested again on Sunday, 19 January 2018, 1 day after her television confessional Program was aired on Sedavasima.
Sepideh Qolian punishments
In end, court verdict was as follows: Sepideh Qolian was sentenced to a total of 19 years and 6 months in prison. She was sentenced to 7 years in prison for charge of action against national security, 7 years in prison for being a member of a group, 1 year and 6 months in prison for propaganda against regime, and 2 years and 6 months for spreading lies. She was also sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison on charge of disturbing the order. Sepideh Qolian was temporarily released from prison on 25 October 2018 by posting a bail bond of 1 and a half billion tomans, and her sentence was reduced to 5 years of imprisonment in appeals court.
Sepideh Qolian was arrested again in 2020
Sepideh Qolian was arrested again in 2020. Actually, while she was on leave from prison, she was arrested again and this time she was transferred to Evin prison. In March 2022, Sepideh Qolian was released following conditional amnesties given to political prisoners following “Women, Life, Freedom” protests, but it didn’t take long before she was arrested again.
It is said that reason for this arrest was her chanting after her release from prison. She was on road from Qom to Arak returning to city of her residence, Dezful, and her family was also accompanying her, and she was arrested again by security forces.
On 11 April 2024, her trial was supposed to be held to chant this slogan, but apparently Qolian did not participate in this trial and verdict was given in absentia with presence of her lawyer. Based on this verdict, she was sentenced to 2 years in prison.
Amina Sadat Zabihpour’s complaint against Sepide Qalyan
While Sepideh Qolian was never released since her arrest and has to serve her 2 years sentence in Evin, news about handling of Amina Sadat Zabihpour’s complaint against Qolian was published on social networks. This was Sepideh Qolian’s last trial, but it was supposed to be public and published online. This trial, which was supposed to be held on morning of 18 July 2024 at Branch 1207 of Shahid Kachoui Judicial Complex, was not held again due to Sepideh Qolian’s absence. Regarding reason why court was not held, Zabihpour said: “Despite presence of court president, prosecutor’s representative, and plaintiff’s representative, and long wait by court, and fact that accused Sepideh Qolian did not agree to observe hijab and Islamic customs despite many recommendations; Therefore, she was not sent to court to hold a meeting.”
Qolian’s lawyer Amir Raisian explained in this regard: “Ms. Qolian was convinced to use a headscarf because court was supposed to be held in public and her defenses and explanations would be heard by public for 1 time in proceedings. They had no problem with wearing a scarf, but unfortunately, court was not held because court insisted on using a chador and they did not agree. After announcing that meeting will not be held, our lawyers requested that meeting be renewed and that client be given a deadline to participate in next meeting and defend himself. Based on this, it was decided that court will convene next meeting and we will be notified of date of meeting and we will participate in that meeting.”
In meantime, what caused a lot of controversy was claim of Amenesadat Zabihpour, who said that this is her 2 complaint against Qolian, and during previous complaint, court sentenced her to 8 months in prison. Amir Raisian also explained in this regard: “Ms. Zabihpour made a false claim in this interview and said that Ms. Qolian was once sentenced to 8 months in prison for publishing lies about Mrs. Zabihpour, and this is 2 case that is again due to Mrs. Zabihpour is going to be investigated. This article is completely false and Ms. Amina Sadat Zabihpour has complained once, and if she has another complaint, client has not been notified and no explanations have been asked. Considering falsehood of Mrs. Zabihpour’s statements, right to file a criminal complaint is reserved for Mrs. Qolian.”
Meanwhile, Mizan news agency wrote about non holding of Sepideh Qolian court: “Claim that court insisted on covering veil and judge required covering of veil for accused is false and untrue, and if accused observes minimum standards of behavior, “Court was held.”
Anisha Asadollahi, a labor activist
Anisha Asadollahi, a 34 years old writer, translator and labor activist, was arrested on 8 May 2021, along with her husband, Keyvan Mohtadi, by agents of Intelligence Ministry at her home in Tehran.
On 14 May 2021, Emaar cyber headquarters accused Anisha Asadollahi and her husband of “forming an anti security cell with aim of inciting workers, teachers and people to create chaos in country” in an announcement quoted by Information Ministry of Islamic Republic.
Information Ministry also announced reasons for arrest of Keyvan Mohtadi and Anisha Asadollahi in connection with Cecil Coller, a member of French Federation of Education and Culture, and her wife Jacques Paris, who entered Iran with a tourist visa and are in custody of this security organization.
This labor activist, who was detained and interrogated in 1 of solitary cells of security ward 209 of Evin prison for 83 days from time of her arrest until 30 July 2021, was temporarily released from prison on 15 August 2021 after posting bail.
Radio of Islamic Republic as well as IRNA, official news agency of Islamic Republic of Iran, on 4 October 2021, by publishing a video of forced confessions of Cecil Coller and Jacques Paris, claimed that these 2 French syndicalists were “for spying” and “preparing conditions for revolution and Overthrow of Iranian government “have traveled to Iran under guidance of French intelligence service”.
During broadcast of forced confessions of these 2 French citizens, manipulated images and names of Anisha Asadollahi, Keyvan Mohtadi and several well known labor activists in Iran were broadcast.
On 5 October 2021, Anisha Asadollahi announced in her user account on X channel that she will file a complaint against Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting and Information Ministry for airing a video of forced confessions of 2 French trade unionists, which was broadcast under title “Story of a Mission”.
This labor activist was arrested again on 27 April 2022, during a mass meeting of a number of union activists and workers’ rights defenders with family of imprisoned teacher Mohammad Habibi, and was taken to solitary cells of Ward 209 of Evin prison.
2 days later, Fars News Agency, affiliated to Pasdaran Forces, confirmed news of arrest of Anisha Asadallahi, and introduced this labor activist as “members of an organizational meeting consisting of elements with records of affiliation with Marxist anti revolutionary groups, hypocrites and French spies.”
Anisha Asadollahi was temporarily released from detention on 7 May 2022 by posting a bail of 1 billion tomans.
Branch 26 of Tehran Revolutionary Court headed by Iman Afshari on 13 May 2022 sentenced Anisha Asadollahi to 5 years in prison in connection with case of 2021 for charge of “assembly and collusion with intention of disrupting security of country” and for charge of “propaganda against regime” sentenced to 8 months in prison.
Based on announcement of family of this labor activist, head of Branch 26 of Tehran Revolutionary Court considered Anisha Asadollahi’s Instagram story against execution of Mohsen Shekari and Majidreza Rahnavard ” 2 of protesters executed during the Women, Life, Freedom Uprising” as an example of accusation of “propaganda against system”.
Sentence issued to Anisha Asadollahi on 28 June 2022 was confirmed in Tehran Court of Appeal.
This labor activist was transferred to women’s ward of Evin prison from 25 July 2022 to endure imprisonment.
Anisha has been deprived of her basic rights such as right to have a lawyer, right to meet with her lawyer, family or spouse, as well as right to make phone calls.
On 26 August 2022, authorities of Evin prison announced that 1 of reasons for banning Anisha Asadollahi from visiting was chanting of slogan “woman, life, freedom” in support of nationwide uprising of Iranian people by this labor activist in prison.
This labor activist has also been arrested and imprisoned several times in recent years for defending workers’ rights.
According to sources familiar with situation of this political prisoner, Anisha Asadollahi along with Narges Mohammadi, Forough Taghipour, Rehaneh Ansarinejad, Nasim Sultan Begi, Sarvenaz Ahmadi and Golrokh Iraei have been deprived of right to contact their families until 3 January 2023.
Prohibition of contact and visit of Anisha Asadollahi in Evin prison
According to Kolbarnews, Anisha Asadollahi, a labor activist imprisoned in Evin prison, has been denied making phone calls and visiting her family. Ali Asadollahi, brother of this political prisoner, while publishing this news, announced that Anisha Asadollahi has been deprived of making phone calls with her family since 6 August 2024. Also, since 6 weeks ago, she has been banned from meeting her family and Keyvan Mohtadi, her wife, who is imprisoned in Evin prison.
According to Mr. Asadollahi, this deprivation was due to Anisha Asadollahi’s protest against death sentence of Sharifeh Mohammadi and Pakhshan Azizi and execution of Reza Rasaei.
Anisha Asadollahi, a labor activist, teacher and official translator of workers’ union of bus Unit Company, has previously been arrested and prosecuted for her activities.
Hajer Saeedi, women’s rights activist
“Hajar Saeedi”, a citizen of Sanandaj and a women’s rights activist, in midday on Saturday, 17 November 2022. After being summoned to 4 branch of Sanandaj General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office, she was transferred to Nesvan Ward of Sanandaj Central Prison to execute the sentence of 1st year of imprisonment.
Ms. Saeedi was tried by branch 1 of Sanandaj Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Saeedi, on charge of “community and collusion through formation of a communist core to encourage families of deceased to commit criminal acts” and also “action against national security” and sentenced to 2 years in prison. However, sentence issued against this Kurdish citizen in 4 branch of Court of Appeal of Kurdistan Province, presided over by judges “Mehri” and “Aghaei”, was reduced to 1st year of imprisonment.
On 17 May 2023, Hajer Saeedi, along with a number of labor activists from Sanandaj, was arrested by security forces attached to news headquarters of Sanandaj Intelligence Department during a meeting with family of Homan Abdullahi, 1 of victims of nationwide protests in this city.
Homan Abdullahi, a 21 years old young man from Sanandaj, was targeted by direct fire from government armed forces during nationwide uprising and on 3rd night of protests and strikes from 4 to 6 November 2021 and lost his life.
This women’s rights activist, after spending a month in detention center of Sanandaj Intelligence Department, was temporarily released from prison by posting a bail of 3 billion tomans until end of proceedings.
Earlier in 2019, Hajer Saeedi was arrested by Sanandaj security forces and sentenced to 5 years of suspended imprisonment by branch 1 of Sanandaj Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Saeedi for “propaganda against regime” and “membership in anti regime parties”. It should be mentioned that according to verdict issued by Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj against Ms. Saeedi, she is required to report herself to Sanandaj Intelligence Office once every 4 months.
Sarvenaz Ahmadi, a civil activist
Sarvenaz Ahmadi a 28 years old a writer, an activist against mandatory hijab, a defender of women’s rights and an activist for rights of laborers and children, who was arrested on 5 November 2021, at same time as nationwide “Women, Life, Freedom” uprising, together with her husband, Kamiyar Fekur, in front of their home in Tehran and security officers arrested her and she was temporarily released from custody on 6 December 2021 after posting bail.
On 3 January 2022, this civil activist was tried in Branch 15 of Tehran Revolutionary Court, headed by Abolqasem Salavati, on charges of “gathering and collusion with intention of acting against security of country and propaganda against system” without presence of a lawyer. In this court, Sarvenaz Ahmadi was sentenced to 6 years in prison for aforementioned charges. After this civil activist protested decision, her prison sentence was reduced to 3 years and 6 months in 36 branch of Court of Appeal of Tehran province on 11 March 2022.
On 28 April 2022, Sarvenaz Ahmadi was arrested again by security officers at house of Mohammad Habibi, a prisoner teacher, and has been under arrest and imprisonment since then.
According to Irfan Karamvaisi, lawyer of Sarvenaz Ahmadi case, head of Evin Martyr’s Prosecutor’s Office, while opposing release of Srunaz and her wife, announced to her: “verdict of Sarvenaz and Kamiyar states that these 2 people are not eligible for amnesty.”
Also, in 20 August 2022, while announcing submission of case of Sarvenaz Ahmadi and Kamiyar Fakour to Supreme Court of country, this lawyer said: “request of Sarvenaz to be released from prison to carry out projects related to her university thesis has been opposed.”