In Iran, ceremonies are held every year on the 12th of Ordibehesht (April/May) to commemorate Teacher’s Day. This year, since International Workers’ Day fell on Wednesday, the Coordination Council of Iranian Educators’ Associations chose Thursday, May 2, 2024, for commemorating Teacher’s Day and holding its ceremonies.
Teacher’s Day in Iran was named in memory of the deceased teacher Abolhassan Khanali in May 1961, and the Pahlavi government was obliged to include it in the official calendar. It was on such a day that the police forces of the Shah’s regime, by shooting at a peaceful and legitimate gathering of teachers, injured three people in Baharestan Square in Tehran and in front of the Parliament’s gate. The chief commander of the police, Colonel Naser Shahrestani, killed the militant teacher Abolhassan Khanali by directly shooting him.
The Coordination Council of Iranian Educators’ Associations issued a call for a nationwide gathering of teachers and educators on the 29h of May. The Council, after referring to the widespread crises and irregularities in the field of education in part of its call, reminded:
“In these circumstances, it is upon us, the teachers, as the principal agents of the education system and the caretakers of the future of society’s children, to strive with unity and solidarity to overcome these dreadful conditions.”
At the end of the Council’s call, it stated:
“All of you honorable and concerned individuals in the field of education are invited to commemorate Teacher’s Day and Week and demonstrate our determination and unity to build a free and equal society and pledge not to rest until that glorious day. In our belief, this is a mission that history has placed upon us.”
After the Council’s call was issued, the regime’s agents were instructed to prevent gatherings by all means. The operatives of the Ministry of Intelligence summoned and severely threatened activist teachers in cities such as Sanandaj and Tehran to prevent the holding of assemblies. Schools and educational offices were declared closed on this day. Despite the repressive measures, with the presence of numerous police, Basij members, and plainclothes individuals, gatherings were held amidst clashes with suppressors in some cities on May 2, 2024.
According to reports, a group of working and retired educators gathered in front of education offices in cities such as Harsin, Islamabad Gharb, Aligudarz, Khomein Shahr, Tehran, Bushehr, Qazvin, Rasht, Yasuj, Marivan, Saqqez, Bukan, Nurabad Mamasani, Karaj, and Langarud, protesting and demanding attention to their demands. Security forces detained at least five participants during the actions.
In its final resolution, the Coordination Council of Trade Associations announced the demands of the teachers as follows:
- Release of imprisoned teachers and revocation of expulsion, resignation, early retirement, and condemnation sentences with electronic surveillance of professional activists in the country.
- Free education for all students, especially the 930,000 students who have dropped out of school in the country.
- Abolition of the quota system for university entrance exams and elimination of educational discrimination.
- Securing educational spaces for three million students studying in these hazardous environments. Add to this figure the number of schools made of clay and prefabricated materials in deprived provinces.
- Prevention of commercialization and privatization of education according to Article 30 and paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the Constitution.
- Elimination of any gender discrimination, elimination of masculinization of education, and rejection of a patriarchal view in textbooks.
- Full implementation of the equalization of retirees and enforcement of Articles 125, 65, and 85 of the Labor Code (regarding supplementary insurance), as well as payment of six-month arrears from the second half of 1399 (2020).
- Establishment of merit-based ranking for all employees and increase in minimum wages to the poverty line.
In a situation where the Islamic Republic regime continues its ruthless crackdown and, using all available means, engages in a war against social movements, their activists, and dissatisfied and resilient masses, the publication of the mentioned call and action was a bold move, and the participants in the actions also acted courageously.