Susan Hassanzadeh, a civil activist and Kurdish language instructor from Bokan, has been temporarily released from prison on bail. According to Kolbarnews, on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, Susan Hassanzadeh, a civil activist and Kurdish language instructor from Bokan, was temporarily released from Urmia Central Prison on a bail of one […]

Shovaneh Khezrnejad, Ahad Khezrnejad, and Salah Khezrnejad have been released from Naqadeh prison on bail. According to Kolbarnews, on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, Shwaneh Khezrnejad, Ahad Khezrnejad, and Salah Khezrnejad, three citizens from Piranshahr, were temporarily released from Naqadeh prison on a bail of two billion tomans each, pending the […]

A citizen was injured by indiscriminate military gunfire in Oshnavieh. According to Kolbarnews, on Sunday, June 2, 2024, military gunfire resulted in the injury of a citizen. The individual has been identified as Mohammadali Shiro, a 43-year-old, married father of three from the village of “Zameh,” a suburb of Oshnavieh.  […]

Adel Haji-Khelani, a citizen from Sardasht, was arrested by IRGC intelligence officers and taken to an undisclosed location. According to Kolbarnews, on Sunday, June 2, 2024, a citizen was arrested by IRGC intelligence officers in Sardasht. The individual has been identified as Adel Haji-Khelani, a resident of the village of […]

Matin Mahdizadeh, a resident of Oshnavieh, has been arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location. According to Kolbarnews, on Sunday, June 2, 2024, a citizen was arrested by security forces in Oshnavieh.  The individual has been identified as Matin Mahdizadeh, married, and a resident of the village […]