Ali Allahveysi, a former political prisoner, was arrested by security forces in Sanandaj and transferred to an unknown location. According to Kolbarnews, on Sunday, July 14, 2024, Ali Allahveysi was arrested by security forces in Sanandaj.  The report states that the agents arrested the former political prisoner without presenting a […]

Kourosh Sharifpour, a resident of Divandarreh, was temporarily released from prison on a bail of one billion tomans. According to Kolbarnews, on Saturday, July 13, 2024, Kourosh Sharifpour was temporarily released from Divandarreh prison on bail of one billion tomans until the completion of his judicial proceedings.  After the interrogation […]

A citizen from Divandarreh was arrested by security forces and transferred to the Sanandaj Intelligence Office. According to Kolbarnews, on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, security forces raided the home of Mr. Farid Badidest in Divandarreh and arrested him. There is currently no information available about Mr. Badidest’s whereabouts or condition. […]

Shadman BaniBashar and Ahmad Ghamari, labor activists, were summoned to the Sanandaj Intelligence Agency and interrogated. These citizens were released after several hours of interrogation. According to Kolbarnews on Thursday April 25, 2024, Shadman Bani-Bashar and Ahmad Ghamari, labor activists, were summoned to the Sanandaj Intelligence Agency and released after […]