Zhiyan Miri, an environmental activist from Sanandaj, was arrested by security forces and transferred to an undisclosed location. According to Kolbarnews, on Saturday, January 11, 2025, Zhiyan Miri, a resident of Tangisar village near Sanandaj, was detained by security forces in the Mesnaw neighborhood of Sanandaj without a judicial warrant. […]

Idris Menbari, a Kurdish language instructor, has been sentenced by the appeals court to one year of imprisonment and one year of suspended imprisonment over a three-year period. According to Kolbarnews, the regime’s appeals court overturned the initial ten-year prison sentence of Idris Menbari, a civil activist, Kurdish language instructor, […]

The dismissal order for Leila Salimi, a teachers’ union activist from Sanandaj, issued by the Ministry of Education’s Administrative Violations Appeals Board, has been reduced to a two-month suspension from service. According to Kolbarnews, citing the Coordinating Council of Iranian Teachers’ Union Associations, Leila Salimi has been temporarily suspended from […]