Friday, December 20, was marked as International Human Solidarity Day according to the United Nations calendar. This day, as defined by the UN, is designed to support the principles of human rights and encourage efforts to create unity amidst diversity and differences. It was intended to celebrate activities focused on […]

The court hearing for Sharifeh Mohammadi, a labor activist and political prisoner, was held in a parallel court branch. According to Kolbarnews, quoting the Campaign to Defend Sharifeh Mohammadi, the hearing took place on Thursday, December 19, 2024. During the session, her defense attorneys presented substantial evidence and documents, refuting […]

A resident of Mahabad, was arrested by security forces, the total number of detainees in Mahabad over the past few days has risen to 15. According to Kolbarnews, on Sunday, December 15, 2024, Chia Nasrollahi, a 38-year-old of Mahabad was arrested at his workplace by agents from the Intelligence Office. […]