A citizen from Piranshahr was injured by direct gunfire from border forces in the Oshnavieh border area. According to Kolbarnews, on the evening of Saturday, June 8, 2024, border forces in the Oshnavieh border area, suspecting smuggling activities, opened fire directly at a citizen, injuring him.  The identity of this […]

Shovaneh Khezrnejad, Ahad Khezrnejad, and Salah Khezrnejad have been released from Naqadeh prison on bail. According to Kolbarnews, on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, Shwaneh Khezrnejad, Ahad Khezrnejad, and Salah Khezrnejad, three citizens from Piranshahr, were temporarily released from Naqadeh prison on a bail of two billion tomans each, pending the […]

A young kolbar from Javanroud, was killed by direct shooting from border forces in the Nowsud border area. According to Kolbarnews, on the evening of Tuesday, June 4, 2024, military forces in the Nowsud border area shot directly at a group of kolbars, resulting in the death of one.  The […]