A Baluch Sukhtbar, who was injured by gunfire from Rigan intelligence forces and subsequently taken to Rigan Hospital, has passed away due to the severity of his injuries. According to Kolbarnews, on Monday, November 4, 2024, a Baluch Sukhtbar, who was injured by gunfire from Rigan intelligence forces at a […]
Kolbar News
Morteza Saeedi, a labor activist from Kamiyaran, has been transferred to Evin Prison to serve a two-year sentence. According to Kolbarnews, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Morteza Saeedi, a labor activist from Kamiyaran, was transferred to Evin Prison to serve a two-year prison sentence.Previously, Branch 2 of the Shahriar Revolutionary […]
A Kolbar from the city of Paveh, was severely injured in the head and neck by direct gunfire from border forces along the Nowsud border. According to Kolbarnews, on Monday, November 4, 2024, border forces in Nowsud fired pellet guns at a group of Kolbars, seriously injuring one.The identity of […]
According to the state-affiliated news agency ISNA, Ali Fadavi, Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), gave a speech at Sharif University of Technology on Sunday, November 3, commemorating the anniversary of the U.S. Embassy takeover by “Line of the Imam” students. As usual, his statements distorted clear […]
Diako Azizi, Loqman Zangi, and Siamand Zangi, three residents of Oshnavieh, have each been sentenced to 16 months in prison by Branch 101 of the Oshnavieh Criminal Court II. According to Kolbarnews, Diako Azizi from the village of Bab Khaledabad, along with Loqman Zangi and Siamand Zangi from the village […]
Israeli airstrikes over the past 48 hours in Jabalia, Gaza, have claimed the lives of 50 children. Medical authorities in Gaza report that despite previous agreements, a drone attacked a clinic used for polio vaccinations just minutes after a UN delegation had left the facility. According to Kolbarnews, citing Gaza […]
Today, Sunday, Aban 13th (November 3), is Student Day in Iran, a day rooted in the final months of the Pahlavi monarchy. However, over the years, under the Islamic Republic, Aban 13th has gained additional associations, all of which relate to students. The differing events that share the name “Student […]
Bahman Naderi, a resident of Kermanshah, has been temporarily released from Prison in Kermanshah on a bail of 600 million tomans. According to Kolbarnews, on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, Bahman Naderi, a citizen of Kermanshah, was released on a temporary basis after posting the bail amount.He was initially arrested on […]
Several student news sources in Iran have reported the sexual assault and abduction of a female student by security forces at the Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, in Tehran. According to Kolbarnews, earlier today, Saturday, November 2, 2024, security forces at the Science and Research Branch of Islamic […]
Jina Modares-Gorji has been detained and transferred to the women’s ward at Sanandaj Central Prison to serve her 16-month prison sentence following her summons to the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court. According to Kolbarnews, Saturday, Jina Modares-Gorji, a women’s rights activist from Sanandaj involved in the “Jina” protest movement, was summoned and […]