Farhad Sheikhi, a labor activist originally from Saqqez and residing in Hashtgerd, has been released from Karaj Central Prison under electronic monitoring. According to Kolbarnews, on Sunday, December 22, 2024, Farhad Sheikhi was released from Karaj Central Prison. Authorities recently approved his request for release under electronic monitoring. He has […]
Mohammad Damavand Mirzaei, a “Shouti” trader from Kamiyaran, was killed by direct fire from military forces in Karaj. According to Kolbarnews, on the evening of Tuesday, December 17, 2024, Mohammad Damavand Mirzaei succumbed to his injuries after three days of struggling for his life after falling into a coma on […]
Farhad Sheikhi, a Kurdish labor activist from Saqqez, who was previously sentenced to eight months in prison by the Alborz Court of Appeals, is currently serving his sentence at the Central Detention Center in Karaj. According to Kulbarnews, Farhad Sheikhi was arrested in late September 2024 after appearing at Branch […]
Farhad Sheikhi, a labor activist from Saqqez and a resident of Hashtgerd, Karaj, has been summoned to Branch 1 of the Criminal Enforcement Court at the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office in Hashtgerd to serve his eight-month prison sentence. According to Kolbarnews, Farhad Sheikhi was recently notified to appear at […]
Farhad Sheikhi, a labor activist from Saqqez residing in Hashtgerd, Karaj, has been sentenced to one year of imprisonment and additional penalties by the Islamic Revolutionary Court. According to Kolbarnews, in recent days, Farhad Sheikhi, a labor activist from Saqqez living in Hashtgerd, Karaj, was sentenced by the first branch […]
Mashallah Karami, the father of executed protester Mohammad Mehdi Karami, has been sentenced to six years in prison by Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court in Karaj. According to Kolbarnews, based on a ruling delivered to Mashallah Karami, father of executed protester Mohammad Mehdi Karami, on Monday, May 20, 2024, […]
Majid Karimi and Masoud Farheikhteh, two union activists and teachers, were sentenced by the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court to pay fines instead of imprisonment. According to Kolbarnews, citing the Coordination Council of Teachers’ Associations of Iran, Majid Karimi and Masoud Farheikhteh, two teacher union activists, were sentenced to fines instead of […]