Bahauddin Hosseini, a resident of Diwandareh, has been temporarily released from prison on bail. According to Kolbarnews, on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, Seyyed Bahauddin Hosseini, a resident of the village of “Kasnazan,” a suburb of Diwandareh, was released from prison temporarily after spending 8 months in detention.  His release is […]

The death of Raisi, the murderous Ayatollah, sparked widespread written and social media reactions, fireworks, dancing, singing, distributing sweets, and prolonged honking in the presence of regime enforcers across various Iranian cities and abroad. Such reactions were abundant among grieving families, protesting athletes, dissatisfied artists, and various other groups. Citizens […]

Five citizens from the city of Oshnavieh were arrested by the city’s security forces in connection with holding Nowruz ceremonies. According to Kulbarnews, on Monday, May 20, 2024, five citizens from Oshnavieh — Hejar Mahmoudi, 30, Basit Qaderzadeh, 28, Sami Mahmoudi Aghdam, Delshad Shadab, 32, and Zahir Hajipour, 38 — […]