According to Kolbarnews, citing HaleVash, in the early morning of Sunday, April 7, as a result of a car overturning incident involving a Sukhtbari vehicle, leading to its ignition in the vicinity of the GoharKooh area in Taftan County, one Baloch Sukhtbar lost his life in the flames, and another […]
According to Kolbarnews, on Saturday, April 6, as a result of throwing stones towards the Sukhtbars by the military forces of Morsad, a Baloch Sukhtbar fell unconscious and into a coma. The identity of this Baloch Sukhtbar is “Jamil Hootzadeh,” approximately 21 years old, son of Samad, unmarried, and from […]
According to Kolbarnews, on Tuesday, April 2, a 17-year-old Baloch Sukhtbar from Zahedan, who was working with his family, was severely beaten and injured by the Kashmir traffic police. According to this report, after this teenager and his companions refusing to pay bribes, the Kashmir traffic police severely beat and […]