A passenger car Sukhtbari caught fire on the Iranshahr road. According to Kolbarnews, on the evening of Wednesday, September 4, 2024, a Sukhtbari vehicle at the entrance of Iranshahr caught fire due to carrying gasoline. The driver managed to exit the vehicle in time before it exploded. Sukhtbari is considered […]
In a vehicle accident in Iranshahr County, two Sukhtbars, including a child, were killed and injured. According to Kolbarnews, on Monday, September 2, 2024, a tire burst on a Sukhtbari vehicle on the Pahreh-Sarbaz road caused the vehicle to overturn.The driver was severely injured and later died after being transferred […]
In Mirjaveh County, an 18-year-old Sukhtbar was killed and another injured following a military pursuit and shooting incident. According to Kolbarnews, on Sunday, September 1, 2024, military forces in Mirjaveh chased and fired upon a Sukhtbari vehicle. The chase led to the vehicle overturning and catching fire. As a result, […]
Het Two Sukhtbars were injured following a collision between their vehicle and a bus in Qaen County. According to Kolbarnews, on the night of Saturday, August 31, 2024, a Sukhtbari vehicle collided with a bus traveling from Zahedan to Mashhad on the Nimbolook-Qaen road in Qaen County, South Khorasan Province. […]
Two Baloch Sukhtbars lost their lives in a vehicle overturn on the Bam-Iranshahr road. According to Kolbarnews, on Thursday, August 29, 2024, two Baloch Sukhtbars were killed when their vehicle overturned. The identities of the deceased have been confirmed as Mohammad Qayoom Dehghani, and “Babal,” both from the village of […]
A Baloch Sukhtbar was injured after military forces opened fire on the Sarbaaz to Rask road. According to Kolbarnews, citing sources from Balochistan, on Monday, August 26, 2024, military forces opened fire on a Sukhtbari vehicle on the Sarbaaz to Rask road. The Sukhtbar’s identified as 21-year-old Abdulrazagh Hassanzehi, a […]
A Sukhtbar lost his life following a vehicle overturn and fire in Sarbaz County. According to Kolbarnews, citing sources from Balochistan, on Friday, August 23, 2024, a Sukhtbar’s vehicle overturned on the Iranshahr-Sarbaz road, leading to a fire that resulted in the death of the driver. The identity of the […]
A Sukhtbar was injured following a chase and shooting by military forces in Iranshahr. According to Kolbarnews, on Thursday, August 22, 2024, a Sukhtbari vehicle was pursued by a Peugeot 405 with private plates driven by security forces on the Hurap-Iranshahr road. The forces opened fire on the vehicle, resulting […]
A Baloch Sukhtbar was injured after a military vehicle collided with the Sukhtbars vehicle during a chase. According to Kolbarnews, on Thursday, August 22, 2024, a military pursuit of a Sukhtbari vehicle in Delgan County resulted in the military vehicle colliding with the Sukhtbar’s vehicle. This collision caused the Sukhtbar’s […]
A Baloch Sukhtbar was injured following the rollover of a Sukhtbari vehicle in the Dargas area on the Sarbaz to Rask road. According to Kolbarnews, on Sunday, August 18, 2024, a Sukhtbari vehicle overturned in the Dargas area on the Sarbaz to Rask road. The driver, identified as Abdulmalek Askani, […]