UNICEF has raised the alarm: more than 79 million girls in Sub-Saharan Africa have been sexually abused during childhood.

According to Kolbarnews, a report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reveals that Sub-Saharan Africa has become the worst region for girls. The report states that over 79 million girls in the region have experienced sexual violence before turning 18. This shocking statistic is only part of a global issue, as UNICEF estimates that around 370 million girls and women worldwide have been victims of various forms of sexual violence.
Catherine Russell, UNICEF’s Executive Director, called this situation a stain on humanity’s conscience, emphasizing that sexual violence against children is a horrific and unacceptable crime.
Claudia Cappa, UNICEF’s statistics officer, noted that this is the first time such precise data on sexual violence against children in Sub-Saharan Africa has been released, saying, “These figures represent only part of the grim reality, as many cases of sexual violence go unreported.” Nankali Maksoud, a specialist in child violence, also highlighted the severity of the situation, stating that these statistics are alarming and carry severe psychological and social consequences for the victims.