Saravan; Two Baloch Sukhtbars Injured in a Car Accident.

Two Baloch Sukhtbars were injured in a car accident in the city of Gachat.

According to Kolbernews, on Thursday, April 18, 2024, in a car accident a Sukhtbari vehicle collided with a light pole in the city of Gachat in the central part of Saravan County, as a result two Baloch Sukhtbars injured.
Up to the moment of preparing this report, no information has been obtained about the identity of these two injured Sukhtbars.

Sukhtbari is considered one of the unconventional and dangerous jobs that many Baloch people in Balochistan have resorted to out of lack of suitable and stable employment. Accidents, vehicle overturning, and direct shootings by military and security forces are some of the dangers that threaten the lives of Sukhtbars in this profession. According to reports from Baloch activists in 2023, at least 172 Baloch Sukhtbars lost their lives due to shootings by military forces, traffic accidents, and vehicle fires, and 42 others were injured in these incidents, including 11 children

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Sarvabad: Three Residents of "Diuznav" Village Arrested

Thu Apr 18 , 2024
On Thursday, April 18, 2024, regime security forces detained three residents of “Diuznav” village, located within the jurisdiction of Sarvabad county. According to Kolbernews, regime security forces raided the homes of three residents of “Diuznav” village, identified as Omid Shahdad, Omar Hosseini, and Ali Hosseini, and arrested them without presenting […]

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