Two Baloch children, aged 10 and 7, lost their lives due to drowning in the Matkoor River in Saravan County.

According to Kolbarnews, on Monday, May 13, 2024, two Baloch children drowned in the Matkoor River in Saravan and lost their lives. The identities of these two Baloch children, “Heydar Dehvari,” 10 years old, in the third grade and “Abdullah Bahouzehi,” 7 years old, in the first grade, from the village of Koloo in Saravan, have been confirmed by Kolbarnews.
According to this report, these two children went to the village of Matkoor in Saravan for swimming and, due to unfamiliarity with swimming techniques, drowned and lost their lives.
It is worth mentioning that in the first four months of the year 2024, at least 44 citizens, 31 of whom were children, lost their lives due to drowning in Balochistan and predominantly Baloch-inhabited areas.