Sanandaj: Soma Pourmohammadi’s Conviction to Imprisonment and Exile

Soma Pourmohammadi, a member of the board of directors of the cultural and social association “Nozhin” in Sanandaj, was sentenced to ten years in prison and exile to Kermanshah prison by the revolutionary court.

According to Kolbarnews, Soma Pourmohammadi, a member of the board of directors of the cultural and social association “Nozhin,” was sentenced to imprisonment and exile. Based on a verdict issued by Branch One of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj under the chairmanship of Judge “Karami” and notified to Ms. Pourmohammadi on Saturday, April 20, 2024, she has been sentenced to ten years in prison and exile to Kermanshah prison on charges of “forming groups and gangs with the intention of disrupting national security.”
The trial of this citizen’s charges was held in this branch on April 17, 2024.
It is noted in this report that Soma Pourmohammadi had previously been sentenced to one year of suspended imprisonment by Branch 106 of the Criminal Court of Sanandaj on charges of “disturbing public order.”
Ms. Pourmohammadi was detained on December 2022- January 2023, and was released on bail after about a month.

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Baneh: A Kolbar got killed by Direct Shooting from Border Forces

Sun Apr 21 , 2024
Shuaneh Ahmadpour was killed by direct shooting from border forces in the border strip of Baneh. According to Kolbarnews, at two o’clock in the morning on Sunday, April 21, 2024, a Kolbar was killed by direct shooting from border forces in the border strip of “Balaki” in Baneh. The identity […]

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