Ismail Soleimani, a resident of Piranshahr, has been summoned to the First Criminal Enforcement Branch of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office in Piranshahr to serve a 10-month prison sentence.
According to Kolbarnews, Ismail Soleimani was summoned to begin serving his sentence. He had been convicted in October by the Second Criminal Court of Piranshahr, presided over by Judge Hamed Payamni, on charges of “propaganda against the regime” and sentenced to 10 months of imprisonment. This verdict was upheld on November 15 by Branch 23 of the West Azerbaijan Court of Appeals.
Ismail Soleimani born in 1985, was initially arrested without a judicial warrant in July 2024 by Piranshahr’s Intelligence Office. He was released on bail after a short detention until the conclusion of legal proceedings.