Marivan: Continued Detention and Lack of Information about the Status of Sattar Keyani

With more than a week passing since the detention of Sattar Keyani, there is still no information available about the status of this citizen.

According to Kolbarnews, nine days after the detention of Sattar Keyani, a resident of Marivan, there is still no information available about his status. 

The lack of information about the fate of this citizen has caused increased concerns for his family. 

Despite the efforts of his family to inquire about his situation, security authorities have refrained from providing any answers regarding his status, place of detention, and the charges brought against him.

Sattar Keyani, a resident of the village of Tazabad Sufi Bala in the Sarshiv district of Marivan, was detained by security forces in the city of Mariwan on Saturday, April 27, 2024, and transferred to an undisclosed location.

As of the preparation of this report, there is no information available about the reasons for his detention, his place of detention, and the charges brought against him.

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