Mahabad: Temporary Release of Galavezh Mohammadi-Arshad on Bail

Galavezh Mohammadi-Arshad, a citizen from Mahabad, has been temporarily released on bail after being detained for 14 days.

According to Kolbarnews, on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 45-year-old Galavezh Mohammadi-Arshad, daughter of Ebrahim and a resident of Mahabad, was temporarily released from the women’s ward of Urmia Central Prison after posting a bail of 700 million tomans. She had been detained since August 14, 2024, when security forces arrested her without presenting a judicial warrant in the Bagh Shayegan neighborhood of Mahabad while she was returning from work.

During her detention, Ms. Mohammadi-Arshad was denied access to a lawyer, and the charges against her have not yet been disclosed.

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Zahedan: Arrest and Beating of 5 Child Laborers by Police Forces

Wed Aug 28 , 2024
Five child laborers were arrested and severely beaten by the police forces of Zahedan’s 16th precinct after a chase. According to Kolbarnews, in the early hours of Tuesday, August 27, 2024, police forces from the 16th precinct of Zahedan arrested five child laborers after a pursuit. These children, all under […]

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