Kolbernews exclusively publishes reports, statistics, and news related to kolbars and Sukhtbars. This website provides updates on issues concerning kolbars and Sukhtbars, including incidents and accidents involving them and the social and economic issues affecting their lives.
Kolbarnews reflects the pain and suffering of Kolbars, Sukhtbars, workers, the Kurdish revolutionary movement, and oppressed nations.
Kolbarnews is a platform that aims to shed light on the challenges and hardships faced by various marginalized groups, including kolbars, sukhbars, workers, the Kurdish revolutionary movement, and oppressed nations. Through its reporting and coverage, Kolbarnews seeks to raise awareness about the struggles and injustices experienced by these communities.
It serves as a voice for those who are often overlooked or marginalized, highlighting their experiences, grievances, and aspirations. Additionally, Kolbarnews provide analysis, commentary, and news updates related to the Kurdish revolutionary movement and broader issues of social justice and human rights in the region.
Kolbar – Kolbari
“Kolbar” is a term used by the people of Kurdistan to refer to individuals who engage in the transportation of goods on their shoulders across the border line to earn a living.”Kolbar,” a term that has become familiar in the lexicon of language speakers living in the geographical range of Iran, embodies the suffering and endless pains inflicted on the bodies of individuals originating from the systematic discrimination prevalent in the border regions of the west and northwest of Iran. Kolbari is one of the most perilous, cheapest, and most strenuous Phenomenon in border areas, which can be referred to as “modern slavery”.
It should be noted that kolbari is not a phenomenon that has emerged overnight; rather, it is the result of various factors. In fact, kolbari can be seen as a consequence of unemployment, poverty, unfavorable economic conditions, lack of industries and job creation opportunities, unequal distribution of wealth, underdevelopment, and security concerns in border areas. It is where everyone cries out with one voice: “It’s for the sake of bread.”

Sukhtbar – Sukhtbari;
“Sukhtbar” or as locals call them “Sukhtkesh” is an unusual and dangerous phenomenon prevalent in the eastern borders of Iran, particularly in Balochistan. Sukhtbars engage in transporting fuel on foot, motorcycle, or by car between the two sides of the border.
Sukhtbari is considered one of the unconventional and hazardous activities that many people in Balochistan engage in out of necessity due to the lack of suitable and stable employment.
Accidents, vehicle overturning, and direct shooting by military and security forces are some of the dangers that threaten the lives of Sukhtbars on this path.