Killings and injuries of 2409 Kolbars in the past 13 years.

Based on the statistics recorded in Kolbarnews over the past 13 solar years (1402-1390), a total of 2409 Kolbars have been killed and injured in the border areas of Kurdistan.

Of this total, 681 Kolbar, equivalent to 28%, were killed, and 1728 Kolbars, equivalent to 72%, were injured.

According to Kolbarnews, the statistics of Kolbars killed and injured in the border areas of Kurdistan over the past 13 years, broken down by year, are as follows:

Year 1390:
Killed: 43
Injured: 51
Total: 94Year

1391: Killed: 43
Injured: 31
Total: 74

Year 1392:
Killed: 44
Injured: 58
Total: 102

Year 1393:
Killed: 38
Injured: 51
Total: 89

Year 1394:
Killed: 29
Injured: 29
Total: 58

Year 1395:
Killed: 66
Injured: 88
Total: 154

Year 1396:
Killed: 58
Injured: 152
Total: 210

Year 1397:
Killed: 86
Injured: 170
Total: 256

Year 1398:
Killed: 67
Injured: 174
Total: 241

Year 1399:
Killed: 75
Injured: 153
Total: 228

Year 1400:
Killed: 49
Injured: 176
Total: 225

Year 1401:
Killed: 39
Injured: 195
Total: 234

Year 1402:
Killed: 44
Injured: 400
Total: 444

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Beating and injuring a Baloch Sukhtbar teenager by the Kashmir traffic police.

Wed Apr 10 , 2024
According to Kolbarnews, on Tuesday, April 2, a 17-year-old Baloch Sukhtbar from Zahedan, who was working with his family, was severely beaten and injured by the Kashmir traffic police. According to this report, after this teenager and his companions refusing to pay bribes, the Kashmir traffic police severely beat and […]

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