A Baloch Sukhtbar was killed as a result of gunfire by military forces in Khash County.

According to Kolbarnews, on Monday, September 30, 2024, military forces in the border area of Rutek, located in Khash County, ambushed and directly fired at a Sukhtbari vehicle without prior warning or signals to stop. Several bullets struck the vehicle’s driver, resulting in his death.
The identity of the deceased Sukhtbar has been reported as “Ehsan Kashani,” a 24-year-old unmarried man and a resident of the joint Zahedan region.
Sukhtbari is considered an unconventional and hazardous job that many Baluch people in Baluchistan are forced into due to the lack of suitable and stable employment. Accidents, vehicle rollovers, and direct shootings by military and security forces are some of the dangers that Sukhtbars face. According to reports from Baluch activists, in the first six months of 2024, at least 133 Baluch Sukhtbars have died from shootings by military forces, traffic accidents, and vehicle fires, with another 80 injured in these incidents, including nine children.