Farhad Sheikhi, a labor activist originally from Saqqez and residing in Hashtgerd, has been released from Karaj Central Prison under electronic monitoring.
According to Kolbarnews, on Sunday, December 22, 2024, Farhad Sheikhi was released from Karaj Central Prison. Authorities recently approved his request for release under electronic monitoring. He has been granted a four-day leave and is required to report to the Hashtgerd Prosecutor’s Office for the installation of an electronic ankle monitor. For the remaining three months of his sentence, he will serve his term under monitoring, with restricted movement confined to Tehran.
Farhad Sheikhi was initially arrested on May 28, 2023, during a raid by security forces at his residence and was later transferred to Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj. On June 13, 2023, after being formally charged at the Hashtgerd Prosecutor’s Office, he was released on a 100 million Toman bail.
In July 2024, Branch 1 of the Karaj Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Seyed Mousa Asif Al-Hosseini, sentenced him to one year of imprisonment, two years of exile in Divandarreh, Kurdistan, and a two-year travel ban. Additionally, he was prohibited from residing in Tehran and Alborz provinces for two years following the completion of his exile.
On September 2, 2024, the Alborz Provincial Appeals Court reduced his sentence to eight months of imprisonment. He was eventually arrested again in late September 2024 after appearing at the Hashtgerd Prosecutor’s Office and was sent to Karaj Central Prison to serve his sentence.
Farhad Sheikhi has faced previous arrests and convictions for his labor activism. On February 7, 2023, he was released under a general amnesty order.