This study is about “colonialism in joseph Conrad’s heart of darkness”, it covers the concept of colonialism in the novel “heart of darkness”. In the modern age, the policy of extending and retaining authority over a broad area of the world was common among greater countries. This was reflected in literature, and great authors brought this idea into their literary works. joseph Conrad’s heart of darkness is one of these works and is the concentration of this research.
This study aims to explain how colonialism is questioned in heart of darkness and sheds light on the concept of colonialism as given in the novel. The writer’s perspective of colonialism is explained in detail through the novel. The study explains how good Conrad was in illustrating the modern age’s man and the policy of colonialism, and also the victims of colonialism in his novel.
As the novel deals with the modern age, and how humans in the modern age encountered the changes in the stages of humanity, though studying this kind of novel is of great use to the reader of the current era. The link between what humanity faced, as mentioned in the novel, and what humanity faces today is quite important to know. This novel is one of the famous novels that is the subject of many literary critics and though of great matter to them, this research paper will include great volumes which covered colonialism in Conrad’s heart of darkness.

Writer; Roman Mireki
English Department, Basic education college, Suleimani university
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