Military forces chased and pursued a Sukhtbari vehicle, forcing it off the road using spike strips.
According to Kolbarnews, early this morning, Sunday, August 18, 2024, military forces in the village of Borj Dashtoo, a part of Fahraj County in Kerman Province, pursued and shot at a Sukhtbari vehicle, damaging it by deploying spike strips under its tires.
According to local sources, early this morning, a law enforcement officer in Fahraj County used a personal Peugeot Hilux to ambush and chase a Sukhtbari vehicle.
The officers stationed along the route fired at the vehicle, punctured its tires using spike strips, and after the Sukhtbari vehicle veered off the road, they left the scene.
Sukhtbari is considered an unconventional and hazardous job that many Baluch people in Baluchistan are forced into due to the lack of suitable and stable employment. Accidents, vehicle rollovers, and direct shootings by military and security forces are some of the dangers that Sukhtbars face.
According to reports from Baluch activists, in the first six months of 2024, at least 133 Baluch Sukhtbars have died from shootings by military forces, traffic accidents, and vehicle fires, with another 80 injured in these incidents, including nine children.