Salah Fathi, Mani Mohammadi, Amanj Ahmadi, and Pouya (last name unknown), four citizens from Divandarreh, were arrested by the city’s security forces and transferred to an undisclosed location.

According to Kolbarnews, on Monday, September 16, 2024, Amanj Ahmadi and Pouya (last name unknown), two residents of the village of Rashidabad, a suburb of Divandarreh, were detained by security forces and taken to an unknown location.
Additionally, on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Salah Fathi from the village of Qaleh-Rihan and Mani Mohammadi from the village of Tourizkhan, both near Divandarreh, were arrested by security forces and similarly transferred to an undisclosed location.
The security forces carried out these arrests without presenting any judicial warrants.
As of the time of this report, the reasons for the arrests and the charges against these individuals remain unknown.