The second round of the ridiculous parliamentary elections concluded on Friday, May 10, 2024. Even censored media outlets reported that the turnout for the second round was severely low. According to the Ministry of Interior in Tehran, Rey, Shemiranat, Pardis, and Islamshahr, a total of 552,000 valid votes were cast, […]
Daily Notes
Anti-apartheid students, several labor unions, and numerous anti-genocide individuals have responded to the oppression by the ruling authorities in America, Europe, and their police against militant students by deepening and broadening the “Strike Camp in Solidarity with the People of Gaza” movement. Currently, 150 universities in America and at least […]
Today, Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, marks the fourteenth anniversary of the “criminal execution” of “Farzad Kamangar” and his associates: “Shirin Alam-Hooli”, “Farhad Vakili”, “Ali Heydarian”, and “Mehdi Eslamian”. Also, on Sunday, May 12, the fourteenth anniversary, a general strike in Kurdistan in response to this crime. The execution of the […]
The wave of resistance against the issuance of the death sentence for “Toomaj Salehi” both domestically and internationally is a hopeful example that demonstrates that the fighting people in these critical moments will not allow political prisoners, who are threatened with death, to be left alone. However, the reality is […]
On Sunday, May 5, 2024, Mahmoud Mehrabi’s attorney announced that a court in Isfahan had verbally sentenced his client to execution for corruption on earth without formal notification. He stated that there was not even one accusation in his client’s case that aligned with corruption on earth according to the […]
Among the important economic indicators that affect the lives of society members, one can refer to the inflation rate and unemployment rate. The Central Bank of Iran recently announced that inflation in Iran has exceeded 52 percent. Another report states that this inflation figure has been unprecedented in the past […]
In Iran, ceremonies are held every year on the 12th of Ordibehesht (April/May) to commemorate Teacher’s Day. This year, since International Workers’ Day fell on Wednesday, the Coordination Council of Iranian Educators’ Associations chose Thursday, May 2, 2024, for commemorating Teacher’s Day and holding its ceremonies. Teacher’s Day in Iran […]
Labor Day was celebrated in most countries through magnificent marches and gatherings. Increasing wages, halting the Israeli army’s genocide in Gaza, were common slogans in many International Workers’ Day actions. However, specific demands varied in each country and state. In the United States, protesters condemned the police’s violent crackdown on […]
Throughout more than four decades of struggle and resistance in Kurdistan, valuable pioneering traditions have been established in this society. One of these traditions is the holding of ceremonies for International Workers’ Day. This tradition has persisted through the toughest days of the Islamic Republic’s rule and even in times […]
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) calendar, yesterday, Sunday, April 28th, was the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. The ILO designated this day in 2003 with the aim of defining safe working conditions where workers can engage in production or service delivery while maintaining their dignity […]