With more than 200 days passing since the detention of “Ashkan Fahim” and his contraction of heart and skin diseases, he has been prevented from receiving treatment by security authorities.

According to Kolbarnews, security authorities, led by the Intelligence of the Revolutionary Guards, have prevented the treatment of “Ashkan Fahim,” a political prisoner detained in this city’s prison.
According to this report, Mr. Fahim has developed a condition of valve insufficiency in his heart, and his condition is worsening. Meanwhile, “Ashkan Fahim” has also contracted a contagious skin disease in the unsanitary conditions of Mahabad Prison.
Mr. Fahim, a cultural-literary activist from Mahabad, was sentenced by the Revolutionary Court of this city to 45 months in prison and two years of exile on charges of “assembly and collusion.” This verdict was issued despite Mr. Fahim denying all charges against him.
It is worth mentioning that in all legal proceedings, the court had prohibited Ashkan Fahim’s lawyer from accessing issued verdicts.