Eight Baloch children were brutally beaten by orchard owners in Chabahar.

According to Kolbarnews, in a shocking incident, eight Baloch children in the village of Tis, Chabahar County, were savagely beaten by orchard owners after picking mangoes from a garden. A published video shows the defenseless children bound by their hands and feet, subjected to physical abuse and verbal humiliation.
This inhumane act is a blatant violation of children’s rights, human dignity, and fundamental human rights principles. Such violence against children is utterly unacceptable. The needs and well-being of children should always take priority, and their protection must be a red line for any society.
This incident once again highlights the urgent need for serious attention to children’s rights and the prevention of violence against them. Society must stand firmly in defense of children’s rights and ensure that the perpetrators of such crimes face strict consequences.