Muslim Mazarzehi, Mohammadaqbar Mazarzehi, Mohammadislam Mazarzehi, and Zahir Mazarzehi, four Baloch workers, were arrested by security forces in the cities of Nahavand and Zahedan.

According to Kolbarnews, on October 5 and 6, 2024, one Baloch worker was arrested in Nahavand, while three others were arrested in Zahedan as they were about to depart for Yazd province for work. The Baloch worker arrested in Nahavand, located in Hamadan province, has been identified as Muslim Mazarzehi, a 24-year-old son of Mouladad. The three workers arrested in Zahedan are Mohammadaqbar Mazarzehi (25), son of Mousa (Gangzar), Mohammadislam Mazarzehi (27), son of Sidi, and Zahir Mazarzehi (approximately 26), all from Sib and Soran County.
Muslim was arrested at his workplace in Nahavand after security forces from the Intelligence Department stormed the premises, reportedly insulting him during the arrest. The other three were arrested on a bus at the exit of Zahedan on Saturday, October 5, as they were traveling to Yazd for work.
As of the time of this report, no information has been released regarding the reasons for their arrests or the charges against them. Their whereabouts remain unknown.