A Kolbar from Shahou city was severely beaten by border guards in the border area of Nowsud and sustained serious injuries. According to Kolbarnews on Friday, May 3, 2024, border guards in the border area of Nowsud assaulted a Kolbar, breaking his nose and severely injuring him in the head […]

Yousef Haji-Khosh, Salah Ghazi, Hassamoddin Mahmoudi, Mohammad Sultanpour, Ghafoor Sheikh-Mohammadi, Jafar Rasouli, Hassan Rasouli, Mauloud Roosta, Hadi Lavveh, Aku Ebrahimi, Omid Rashidpak, Fakhraddin Modarresi, Salah Ghazi, and Arman Ebrahimi are fourteen citizens of Oshnavieh who have been detained by the security forces in recent days and transferred to an unknown […]

From International Workers’ Day 2023 to May 1, 2024, more than 502 Kolbars were killed and injured along the border areas and intercity routes of Kurdistan. According to Kolbarnews, of this number, more than 417 cases, equivalent to 83%, were directly targeted by military forces. From May 1, 2023, to […]