Kolbarnews exclusive report May 1, International Labor Day.

Between May 1, 2022 and May 1, 2023, International Workers Day, more than 191 Kolbar-workers were killed, injured or disappeared in Kurdistan’s road routes and border areas.
According to Kolbarnews, out of that number, more than 176 cases (92%) were caused by direct fire from government military forces. From May 1, 2022 to May 1, 2023, more than 153 Kolbar were injured and 38 other lost their lives.
The Kolbarnews annual report published in late 1401 (Iranian Years calendar), also mentioned that at least 234 Kolbars were killed and wounded in the borderlands and Road routes of West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, and Kermanshah provinces, due to factors such as direct fire by the regime’s military forces, avalanches, frostbite, stepping on landmines, falling from the mountain and other accidents . And out of these, 39 Kolbars(17%) were killed and 195 other (83%) were injured.
A total of 172 cases (74%) of the 234 killed and wounded Kolbars in 1401, were caused by direct fire from government military forces.