The semi-annual report for the first six months of 1403 by Kolbarnews. Based on statistics recorded by Kolbarnews data center, at least 142 kolbars were killed or injured in the first six months of 1403.

Based on the data recorded by Kolbarnews, in the first half of 1403, a total of 142 Kolbars in the border areas and inter-road routes of West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, and Kermanshah provinces have been killed or injured due to factors such as direct military fire, avalanches and hypothermia, landmines, falling from mountains, and other incidents.
- Out of this total, 36 Kolbars (25%) were killed, and 106 Kolbars (75%) were injured.
- There was a 67% increase in the number of Kolbars killed or injured compared to the first half of 1402.
- Out of the 142 Kolbars who were killed or injured in the first half of 1403, 124 cases (87%) were the result of direct shooting or physical assault by regime military forces.
- Out of the 142 Kolbars killed or injured in the first half of 1403 along the Kurdistan border, 10 of them were children under the age of 18.
You can view more details, including a daily breakdown, and the division by city and province, in the PDF file below: